Why Menstrual Cycle Charting is Important
Getting pregnant is not about how lucky you are. It’s all about finding the right timing to conceive. You would want to make sure that the conditions are perfect for the egg and the sperm to meet. The secret is, you should be attentive. Your body will give you hints and clues when it is about to start the process.
Using a fertility calculator is one of the most effective ways to determine the days when you are most fertile. Aside from this, when you have tracked our menstrual cycle, it would be easy to determine the fertile window. This is the best time to conceive successfully. You can visit some forums, discussions or blogs about menstrual cycle charting and see here its importance in conception.
Menstrual Cycle Charting: How to Do it Accurately?
The reason why it is important to chart your cycle is for you to know when your fertile days are, just like using a fertility calculator. Most women have 28 days menstrual cycle. This means that you have six days to try to get pregnant every month. The six days will include 5 days before the egg is released and one day when the ovaries already released an egg. Having intercourse in these days is very important if you want to get pregnant.
When charting, start with the first day of your menstruation. Keep track of the days when you are having your cycle for three to four consecutive months. Once you have an average, you subtract 18 days from the length of your shortest cycle. This will be the first day that you are most fertile. Then subtract 11 days from the longest length of the cycle. This will be the last day when you will be fertile.
When you are trying to get pregnant, it is important that you know how your menstrual cycle works. You can also visit websites and see here the tips on how to improve your chances of conceiving a baby. It is best if you get an expert advice from your gynecologist as well.