Things you need to know about Marijuana

There are many things about Marijuana you might not know. In this article, we are going to talk about some vital facts of Marijuana. Click here to know about weed seeds for sale.

What are the immediate effects of marijuana?

Few people do not perceive changes when they smoke marijuana. Most commonly, they feel relaxed and happy, and often causes thirst and hunger. Among its immediate physical effects are: palpitations, dry mouth, decreased ability to coordinate physical movements and maintain body balance, decreased speed of reaction to stimuli, vasodilation of the conjunctivae causing red eyes, increased blood pressure and tachycardia. After two or three hours the effects disappear and deep sleep may occur. Visit this site to know about weed seeds for sale.

How does it affect the brain?

THC affects the function of neurons related to memory; therefore, during intoxication the consumer has difficulty remembering recent events. Under the action of the drug, learning is greatly hindered, and the same is true of carrying out tasks that require the following steps to be completed.

In the long term, attention and concentration capacity is also altered. We can confrim, based on scientific evidence, that the use of this drug for several years increases the risk of developing psychotic states, such as schizophrenia, especially in predisposed people.

Things you need to know about Marijuana

Why is it illegal?

Marijuana causes addiction, that is, the physical and psychological state in which the person has an irrepressible and uncontrollable urge to consume it to feel its effects or to avoid the discomfort that occurs when they stop using it.

It is an illegal drug because it can cause serious damage to the body and to the mind, which is why it has been included in the lists of substances prohibited by law in order to protect the individual and society.

Can it be used as medicine?

Certain components of Cannabis produce some effects that can be used in the medical field: it reduces intraocular pressure in cases of glaucoma, improves the appetite of AIDS patients, relieves pain in some cases of multiple sclerosis, and decreases the nausea and vomiting of terminally ill cancer patients.

The beneficial effect of cannabidiol is currently being studied in certain cases of children with epilepsy, about which there are great hopes about its usefulness.