Facelift: its pros and cons

A facelift is a type of cosmetic surgical procedure that makes a younger appearance on one’s face. Face lifting reduces sagging or folds of skin on cheeks and jawlines. One can do face lifting at the age of their 40, 50, and 60 to prevent aging. The facelift procedure is to pull back a specific flap of skin on each side. You can prevent aging in two ways, it is either through surgical techniques or through non-surgical techniques. Yet, it is best to proceed with non-surgical techniques.


It delivers good results. That is, the operation is focused on the lower part of the face and may decrease sagging in the area of the chin and neck. It takes years off from the face and gives a complete make-over.

The promise of a long-lasting effect extends recovery time. However, the results with fillers endure a maximum of two years and sometimes only a few months. But often facelift last 10 years or more.

cosmetic surgical procedure


The facial lifts are not for everyone. if you take the operation into account, the risk of consequences during and following the operation must be thought out carefully.

Effectiveness has a price, and for many, the time after a facelift is longer than non-surgical solutions. In general, 10 to 14 days after the surgery, you can go back to work.

The pros and cons of face lifting are in balance. So, one must have a clear idea before making the choice of facelifting.